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Winter 2024 Conference Presentations

Thank You To Our 2024 Winter Conference Sponsors

Past Conference Presentations





CSEAO CSEAO Membership Login



The Objective of the CSEAO
The objective of the County Sanitary Engineers Association of Ohio shall be to "provide resources, assistance, training, professional leadership and a vehicle for interaction for county sanitary engineers and their staffs to assist them in providing better service to the public."

About the Affiliate Membership
Affiliate Membership is open to individuals, firms or corporations having an interest in county owned water and sewer utility systems. The CSEAO offers a variety of information, conferences and seminars that are useful to industry firms and corporations. An Affiliate Member of the CEAO receives valuable information concerning the activities of the County Sanitary Engineers and the Ohio water and sewer industry.
Becoming an Affiliate Member of the CSEAO entitles you to the following benefits:
Conference Mailings
The CEAO hold two major conferences each year. You will receive all conference mailings including registration materials, hotel reservation forms and conference agendas.
Other Publications
You will receive other CSEAO publications, including the annual Sanitary Engineer's Roster. The Roster includes all of the member Ohio County Sanitary Engineers, their addresses, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, staff phone numbers.
Seminars, Workshops and Special Bulletins
The CSEAO may from time to time presents seminars and workshops on selected subjects relating to engineering concerns and local transportation systems. As an Affiliate Member, you will be notified of these events and be invited to participate. Affiliate Members also
receive CSEAO special bulletins relating to critical state or national legislative matters
vital to Engineers and local water and sewer utility systems.
Other Membership Benefits
As an Affiliate Member, you will receive a framed membership certificate and a membership card. Your company name will be listed in the roster if received before the annual publication and on the web site which is updated regularly.


If you have questions about becoming an Affiliate Member, please email Nicholas J. Gorris, P.E., CSEAO Treasurer at


Become a member today by filling out and returning the application form.